We've been working with so many less actives the past couple of weeks! Just this week, we found one who pulled up in the car right as we were about to drive away from their house, we went to dinner with another, we taught another's non-member husband, and painted another's fireplace blue for her.
I think my favorite was a lesson that happened on Thursday. We were visiting the sister and it was a little frustrating because she keeps saying she'll go to church and then she doesn't come. So we asked her how her Book of Mormon reading has been going, and it turns out she hasn't been reading. And it's like this every week.
As we were sitting there, I had the impression to promise her that if she keeps the Word of Wisdom, her health will be better. It was kind of random, but it made sense because she drinks coffee and had just been complaining about some pain that she's been having in her back. So I told her that impression, and she said to me, "I know hermana. But I just drink coffee to help with my diabetes." So Hermana Robles asked, "does it help?" And the less-active sister said, "well... no..." So then we committed her to keeping the word of wisdom. It was pretty sweet and the three of us laughed together about how the coffee is so expensive and it doesn't even help like someone told her it would. :)
I finished the Book of Mormon in Spanish for the first time! It was awesome! I love the Book of Mormon. I know it's true. I am so grateful for it. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to go share it with the people of Memphis every day. I've loved seeing how my investigator's lives have changed because they've read in the Book of Mormon. Even all the ones who haven't gotten baptized yet. I have a testimony of the phrase, "a man can get closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon than by any other book." Heavenly Father loves us so much and has blessed us with additional scripture so that we can get
to know him better! It's awesome!
Starting with me and moving counter clockwise: Hermana Hunt, Hermana Wilson, Hermana Robles, Hermana Quigley, Sister Lange, Hermana Olson, Sister Van Orman, Sister Lumpkin, Hermana Thornton

Hermanas Quigley, Robles, Keller, Wilson, Hunt, Olson, Thornton
Hermanas + Sister Feinga and President and Sister Hansen
Hermanas Robles (my trainee), Keller, Thornton (my trainer), Quigley (my trainee)
Hermanas Keller, Quigley, Thornton
<Jacksonville or Jonesboro video>