Hi everyone!
This week we went to visit a less active member. She is awesome and totally ready to reactivate herself. We had planned to teach the Plan of Salvation. Her husband is not a member and hasn't usually been there for our lessons because he works all day. But this week, he was there.
He started talking to us and ended up asking a question that had to do with where we came from. So Hermana Robles taught him about the premortal life. The lesson went something like this: We said something like, "We used to live with our Heavenly Father as spirits," and then he would say something like, "I just want to know where we came from because not a lot of people know where we came from," and we would say something like, "Yes, but we know that we used to live with our Heavenly Father as spirits." And then he would say, "Exactly!!" It was so funny and when we were almost done, he had to go back to work.
After he left, we finished the lesson with just the less-active sister and she was awesome. She totally understood everything and now has the celestial kingdom as a goal for her and her family!
This week, as I was studying the topic of prayer in Preach My Gospel, I looked up a bunch of scriptures looking for the answers to the questions "Why must you pray for the Spirit?" and "What should you pray for?" I loved this activity because I love prayer. I love that we have the opportunity to council with our Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere, and about anything! With the questions, "What should you pray for?", here are some of my favorite answers that I found:
- Pray in behalf of the welfare of the souls who know not God (Alma 6:6)
- Pray to be led by the Holy Spirit (Alma 13:28)
- Pray for mercy (Alma 34:18-27)
- Pray to counsel with the Lord and to give thanks (Alma 37:36-37)
- Pray for anything which is right (3 Nephi 18:20).
I love that prayer is the "when the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other." (Bible Dictionary, topic: Prayer)
With Hermana Robles at Memphis BBQ
The district: Hermana Robles, Hermana Keller, Elder Diaz, Elder Sotomarino, Elder Short, Elder Smalley