We were going to Olive Branch to do service for toys for tots on Friday and it was raining so hard! It was really hard to see and there was a lot of flooding.
The service project was in a warehouse and we were getting lost but as we got closer there was a BIG puddle, probably like a good sized pond. I called it Bear Lake, after the huge lake near where my family lives in Utah. :) We started to drive though it, but it was SUPER deep and the water splashed a little onto the hood of our car. We quickly turned around and got out of there!
But then we called the Collierville sisters and found out that the service project was on the other side of the pond. We thought they had driven through it so after we watched another small car successfully go through the puddle, we decided to go for it. It was pretty deep, but we made it across! And then it turned out that it wasn't near as deep when the Collierville sisters went through it and it drained by the time we left so no one else had to do that or even saw it. We took a video though, so we have proof that it happened.
*"Bear Lake" video will go here
This week as I was reading in the Book of Mormon, the last part of verse 30 in Alma 49 stuck out to me. "Being baptized unto repentance, and sent forth to preach among the people." Even in Book of Mormon times, preaching repentance and baptizing converts was the goal. When a person has truly learned repentance and been baptized because they are converted, they will never, ever fall away. This is what happened to Helaman, Shiblon, Corianton, and Ammon, and they never went less active. That's why it's so important for me to be continually repentant and teach my investigators how to repent, so that we never become less active.

Exchanges with Southaven- Hermana Keller with Sister Woolley, Sister Zollinger with Sister McNall


Dropping off Christmas

Cavesha's baptism

More Cavesha's baptism