Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd

Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

Monday, October 31, 2016

Taco Crawl

Me being domestic.  Can you believe it?!?!
Yesterday, I felt like we should go visit an older lady that dropped us I think In July or August.  It ended up being a good visit.  Her family was really nice but then she started asking some really complicated questions that we couldn't really understand what she was asking.  Her family was having a hard time interpreting her questions too.  I really just felt like she was trying to trip us up, so that was uncomfortable.  I knew she was asking about temples, so and I bore testimony that families can be together forever.  I shared a couple of personal details like I have 3 sisters and we moved from California to Utah my senior year of high school.  I told how that helped us get closer because we didn't have any friends when we first moved.  And that I am so grateful that my family can be together forever because they are such a big part of who I am.  The spirit was so strong it was awesome!  And I had the impression as soon as I was done that that's why we needed to be there.  I'm not sure if it was for me or for them but it was really cool.  I'm so glad I followed the impression to go visit them! 

Also this week we did a taco crawl... There's 4 taco trucks on this street called Geyer Springs and we decided to go to all of them one day.  THE BEST TACO WAS NUMBER THREE.
Taco #1
Taco #2
Taco #3
Taco #4
Taco picnic
Cheers! - with Fanta

special picture just for Jaxon

Spanish district: Gonzales, Spencer, Jorgensen, Keller, Thornton, Clark, Cepeda
@ Wal-Mart this week with the English-speaking sisters in our zone (Little Rock)

Also, to do missionary work, we handed out pass along cards on the way.  We passed out 5 cards and ate 4 tacos.  Definitely a good thing.

Also we wanted to make cookies for the hermanas in the branch to thank them for the help they've been giving us.  We have a hard time getting hermanas to come teaching with us but we wanted to be thankful for what they do for us.  So we wrote about ten thank you notes and made about 50 cookies!  And then we went to go hand them out and we were so successful!  4 or 5 of the hermanas totally volunteered to come teaching with us this week and I am so excited about that!  Definitely a good use of our time that day. 

All the cookies we made!
I love you all and thanks for the birthday wishes. 
Love you!


 Another cookie picture...