(I had met Hermana Joane Rivera from the Rodney Parham Spanish Branch on the ALRM Mom Facebook page. It can be difficult for missionaries to receive packages since they are not home a lot, so I asked if I could send Arianna's birthday package to her and the Hermanas would come pick it up at her house on Tuesday, Arianna's birthday. The package came a day early (Thank you, USPS!) so she decided to invite them over for dinner and dessert on Monday, (Halloween can be pretty boring for missionaires) and even sent me pictures and a video. I love you, Joane!)
Traditional Puerto Rican food... tostones! (bottom left corner) (Brother Rivera's family is from Puerto Rico, from a city where Bennett served his misison!) |
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Cookie Cake Perfect for the girl who isn't a fan of regular birthday cake. |
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Feeling loved. <3 |
On Wednesday, we went to go teach one of our new investigators, M. Her parents have both passed away recently, so she takes care of her younger brother (7 years old) and sister (5 years old)
We also brought one of the hermanas in the branch, Hermana Lopez, with us to our teaching appointment. After the lesson, while we were getting ready to leave, M mentioned that it was her brother's birthday on Thursday. But, she said, they weren't telling him because they didn't have enough money to do anything for his birthday. Hermana Lopez said that she would bring over her two sons, who are also 7 and 5, the next day to sing M brother Happy Birthday. Hermana Lopez also offered to bring a cake for M's little brother. While we were driving home, Hermana Lopez called another hermana in the branch and invited her and her son to the birthday party we had decided we were going to give Christian. We invited a third Hermana, who had taught M with us previously and she brought two other little girls in the branch. When we got there on Thursday, we had us, 3 hermanas, and 5 kids from the branch coming to bring Christian a surprise birthday party! He ended up getting 2 presents from two of the hermanas too! It was so fun! I'm so grateful for the hermanas in our branch and how much they care about missionary work and our investigators!
In our mission, we have this thing called impact sisters/elders. Their job is to go around, visiting companionships and spend a few days with them. Their goal is to help them improve their area and/or companionship. This week Hermana Macfarlane came to impact us on Tuesday! (her birthday) It was really fun! We ended up splitting up for a while so that Heremana Thornton could go help one of the hermanas in the ward Visit Teach and then Hermana Macfarlane and I went to try to visit a potential investigator. She ended up being busy, so we went and knocked on some doors in that trailer park. We met 5 new people and made 5 return appointments! It was so good! And then later this week, we went to go visit one of those new people, Mi. She was super open and acted like everything we were saying made sense and sounded familiar! My hopes are high for her! The thing that Hermana Macfarlane suggested that I can do to improve best would be to make sure we do role plays every day and I think she's right. I t'll help me not be/feel so awkward when we're talking to people in real life. lol
McFarlane, Thornton, Keller |
Companion love on my birthday! <3 |
This morning we went and hiked Pinnacle Mountain, which is kind of funny because it's just like a little hill. It's about like Crimson Trail level hike. But it was way fun. :)
Trying to give Hermana Thornton a piggy back ride so we can take a cute
picture. But then she ended up choking me a little. lol
Maybe this is better. :) |
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Taking the tag picture. |
Back: Van Orman, Waters, King, Keller, Thornton front: McNall, Kerby, Minster |
We got stuck in a rainstorm this week and by the time we got back in the car, we both looked like we had just gotten out of the shower! lol!
Beautiful Fall colors in Little Rock, Arkansas! |
Babes! Wanna learn about our church?!?! lol |
I was reading in Mosiah 23, which is about the people of Alma after they are conquered by the Lamenites and before they escape to join the people of Mosiah in Zarahemla. Amulon, a former priest of King Noah and former colleague to Alma is made king over Alma's captured people. Verse 27 says, "But Alma went forth and stood among them[his people], and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, but that they should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them." God wants us to remember him and will bless us when we do so. And this is true for EVERYONE!!! I think it's so cool that God will always be waiting for us to come to Him and trust Him with our worries and our trials. God will always deliver us when we remember Him. I always want to be in a position in my life where God can deliver me from my trials. By remembering God always, I can also make sure I am being the best missionary I can be.
I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week!