This week, the zone leaders called and asked us to read Matt. 20:25-28. After we did, they asked us to think about what we can do to be better leaders and better servants. I studied that one day this week, and as I was clicking on the footnotes on my iPad, I saw something that talked about humility and then something else about repentance in relation to those verses. So the answer I came up with about how I can be a better leader is by being humble and continually repentant. I think that's important because those are the things I need to do to have the spirit with me.
On my mission, I've been so surprised at how I don't actually know what I'm doing. I'm still only 21 years old, but Heavenly Father trusts me to help him bring salvation to his children. I don't want to mess up. But what I'm learning is that as long as I have the spirit with me, then I won't mess up. The key to being a successful missionary is living worthy of the spirit always so that He can always tell us what to do. And I think the same thing applies with a leadership position. I need to be constantly worthy of the spirit so I can know what the best way to serve those around me is.
Exchanges: Sister Jones, Hermana Keller, Sister Smith |
Paint Memphis! :) |
Headed to West Memphis. Fun fact: West Memphis is a town in Arkansas! LOL. It's across the Mississippi River from Memphis, TN. We had to go across to West Memphis to get our TIWI fixed. |
Headed back to Memphis, TN. Fun fact #2: TIWI is a device that are in the missionaries' cars that monitors driving and reminds them not to speed, etc. |