I miss Mushu! <3 |
It was really good to
talk to my family yesterday. My sister had her bishop's interview for her
mission and just needs an interview with her stake president before her papers
are sent in and she can get her call. I am so excited for her! I
told my family yesterday that her mission is pretty much all I want to hear
about every Monday. :)
Hermana Petty is so great. She wants to work so hard and I really appreciate that about her. She came up with a motto for us: faith, fire, fun. I think she's really dedicated to being a missionary and wants to do everything she possibly can to give these people everything she has. I am so excited to serve with her this transfer!
This week I was reading in 3 Nephi 15 and verse 9 stuck out to me. "That he were separated from among them because of their iniquity; therefore it is because of their iniquity that they know not of you." When I read that, I thought about how lots of people ask why the Bible doesn't talk about the people in the Book of Mormon and I never really know how to answer that question. But this is the answer! The people in the Bible were wicked so they didn't get the privilege of knowing about the Book of Mormon people. I thought that was pretty cool but then the next night, the Russellville Hermanas called and we were talking about all of our investigators. And they mentioned that one of their investigators had this question! And so I told them that I knew the answer and showed them this scripture! I know that I found that scripture for them. And that was pretty cool to realize that God was preparing me with an answer to a Russellville investigator's question.
All of the Hermanas send each other a photo every week. Love the Hermanas! |
I also read this week in 3 Nephi 28 and in verse 23 is says, "and did preach the gospel of Christ unto all the people upon the face of the land; and they were converted unto the Lord, and we're united unto the church of Christ;". I think I've grown more of an appreciation of the gospel of Jesus Christ on my mission. As missionaries, it's our job to talk to people and try to decide which part of the gospel they need in that moment. And I've been learning and seen lots of different ways the gospel can bless lots of different people. We all need it. We all need the blessings that come from being united unto the church of Christ and I love sharing it!
Love you all!
Hermana Keller
What is this disgusting bug we found at the church??? <a cockroach> |
Can you see it One of the many jokes we've played on the elders. lol
Look at the antennae. 😂😂😂
Serious. |
Happy Mother's Day from the Spanish District. |
me, Pickering, Petty |
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Petty, Keller Merrill, Anaya, Spencer, Pickering |
These are my people. |