This week was a little harder because we had to go to West Memphis for doctor appointments for part of the week. We've been pretty lacking with New Investigators this transfer, which has been pretty disappointing. We tried to visit and ended up dropping about 7 potentials this week. Dropping people is always hard for me. I just want to keep trying because what if next time they'll be home! Or what if next time they'll open their door! But I know that that's not the most effective way to bring people unto Christ. I know that I need to be spending my time finding the elect and bringing them the message of the restoration. And I know that when we drop people, we are able to receive the blessings of more new people! So I'm really looking forward to seeing the blessings that come this week because we dropped those people this last week who weren't ready to hear our message.
Mississippi River...
We also got to see the Memphis Hermanas for a little while on Thursday afternoon and that was fun to be with other Hermanas. Hermana Quigley's glasses broke on Friday and that was really frustrating for her, so we went to the eye doctor and she ordered new ones. I hope they come soon!
Mississippi River...
I was studying for Ignacio and Pola, our 2 most progressing investigators. We were finishing the lessons with them so I was studying the families and temples pamphlet for them. I was just so wowed at how amazing the temple is! We are so blessed to have so many on the earth right now! And I am so, so, so blessed to live 15 minutes away at home. I was just in awe at how much love Heavenly Father has for us that he has given us a place where we can be sealed to our families and the authority to do it. I want Ignacio and Pola and their son, Angel, to be sealed as a family so much! During our families and temples lesson, I really just wanted to see their family in white at the temple together. I feel like I finally really am keeping the end in mind for them! They still say they want more time before they are baptized because they want to keep learning. Ignacio says he doesn't want to go less active after a couple of weeks or a couple of months. I love that he has that desire.
I was reading in Heleman 3 and I really liked in verse 25 where is says, "and so many the blessings which were poured out upon the people, that even the high priests and the teachers were themselves astonished beyond measure." As we've been reading the Book of Mormon as a mission, I've noticed that the phrase, if he keep the commandments of God, ye shall prosper, is found so many times. The Lord promises over and over that when we are righteous, we will be blessed. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much and everything he does is to help us make right choices so that we can return to live with him one day. I am so grateful for all the blessings I receive and for the knowledge I have that God is loving. And I know that when we keep the commandments, even we will be amazed at the blessings that we receive.
Love you all!
Hermana KellerWe always have Friday night dinners at Hermano Benitez's sister's house. (She makes pupusas, isn't a member of the church, and her husband is he preacher at the evangelical church.) But we're in with them because of the Benitez's. LOL! We eat outside on their patio because that's where she makes them.
Zoo |

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