I am safe and sound here in Mexico! Pretty much all we do is sit in class all day and ask each other how to say words in Spanish, and prepare lessons for our investigator. Our investiagator is our teacher and our lessons aren't that great, mostly because none of us are very good at Spanish. But we're getting tons better! And my English is going down the drain. lol
The first day mi companera didn't show up. Turns out she went to Provo instead. But all is well because there was a trio and they took one of the hermanas from there and now she's mi companera. Her name is Hermana Art and she's from Mesa, Arizona. Hermana Art is going to Boston, Mass. She just graduated form high school so that's cool. We don't have a lot in common and I was having a hard couple of days with that so I was praying to be able to work it all out and that she would like me. And then I got Esther's letter that said that if I have made any frineds here in the CCM, that I should thank Heavenly Father for them. I realized that I need to stop focusing on my worries and just be grateful that she's my friend. So that was a tender mercy. Thanks, Est! And then I found Adele's letter in my suitcase this morning and it said that if I feel like I need to be better friends with my companion then I should just talk about her all the time because that works with everyone. That was totally an answer to prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And I really do like Hermana Art a lot! Her first name is Cait you can look her up on Facebook and Instagram.
I sort of slept on the airplane like planned. Here, I've pretty much conked out every night becuase I'm so tired. It's definitely a mental kind of tired... lol... kind of like dead week at USU every day. One of my roomates, Hermana Jacobson, has broncitus and so that has woken me up a few times the last couple of nights. I feel so sorry for her but she's taking medicine and hopefully she'll get better soon.
I MET SOMEONE GOING TO THE ALRM (Arkansas Little Rock Mission) TOO! His name is Elder Pickering and he's in my district. He's chill. His first name is Alex so you can look him up on Facebook to see what he looks like. Oddly enough, he reminds me of Alec from first grade. Whatever. We're homies.
Mom, you asked if I've met my EC with a winky face. THe answer is no, I'm a missionary. lol
Also, I've loved, loved, loved the letters that you've sent me every day. It takes a day or two for me to get them but they make me so happy! PLEASE send more!
ADDED BY MOM: There is someone who lives near the CCM that prints out and delivers letters to missionaries. If you'd like to send her one, it's super easy... go to HERE and you just type in a message, hit send, and off it goes. This is really great because unlike Provo, we can't send packages, we can't really send letters in the mail (takes too long), and she can only get on the computer to read (and send) email on Wednesday for an hour. She can read these letters whenever they arrive, and many times over!
I sent you a family letter last week with a Mexican stamp so it should get there in about three weeks and I sent Samantha and Janica one in the same envelope with an american stamp today. It should get there in about two weeks.
Thank you also for sneaking stuff into my suitcase. That was way fun to find.
Adele - My other friend here in the CCM in addition to Hermana Art y Hermana Jacobson is Hermana Astle, Hermana Jacobson's companera. But she's having some stress so I don't know if she'll stay here. She asked to be transferred to an English speaking mission yesterday so we'll see how that turns out. I hope something good works out for her. Also my district here is like my other family now. We spend all day together. There's Elders Texas, Elders New Mexico, Elders Washington, Elder Mesa and Elder Arkansas, Elder Virginia and Elder Cancun, and us Hermanas. Those aren't their real names, obviously, but that's where they're all going. That's also what Hermana Art and I call them sometimes because in the beginning we couldn't remember their names but we could remember where they are going. lol
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My district at the Mexico CCM Elders ?, ?, Peterson, ?, Pickering, Hepworth, Hermana Art, Me, ?, ?, Lemon, Baltich |
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First tag photo. I love these people already. |
I love Mexico and today, our district gets to go to the temple at noon. I'm so pumped. I'm a little nervous though because during the session, we wear headphones so we can hear in Inglés, but then at the veil we have to do that part in Español. It's going to be great.
I love you tons and I miss you tons too. I can't wait to email you again next week!
Hermana Keller
Things I've learned at the CCM:
- a spanish hymnbook is really good. I bought one.
- snacks are from heaven. Thanks. :)
- spanish is hard, but I love it!
- it rains a lot during the wet season lol
- spanish keyboards are hard. Sorry for any typos. Even in English mode, it thinks every word is spelled wrong. lol
You can comment here if you'd like. But she can't actually read her blog until she gets home. While she's in the CCM, it would be better to send her a quick email using this link.