We went to bring our investigator, Gabriella's husband cookies like President Hansen suggested to help soften his heart. He wouldn't come out to talk to us so we just wrote a note that said we hoped to meet him soon and left. But then the next night, Gabriella texted us at about 6:30 asking if we could come over right then because he was supposed to be getting home at 7. So we did. But he didn't get home at 7. So we continued waiting and read some of the Book of Mormon with Gabriella and her kids, drew some pictures with her daughter, helped her daughter with her homework, etc. But we really wanted to meet him and we didn't know when exactly he would get home so we just kept waiting. At about 9, we were thinking "well, I guess we'll just go home now" when he pulled up! He didn't come in for about another 5 minutes and we think it might be because he saw our bikes. But when he did come in, we said, "hello!" And he said, "hello". And we said, "how are you?" And he said, "good." And we said, "how was work?" And he said, "good." And then he left the room and wouldn't come out again. So we finally met him but it was pretty funny how we waited so long to say 3 words. :) But then on Sunday, Gabriella got a blessing from the elders and in it, Elder Sotomarino said that they would be sealed in the temple as an eternal family. So that was really awesome and I think that blessing will help her have more hope. This week, I studied about Personal Revelation in Preach My Gospel. I loved that it said that we (as missionaries) have been promised inspiration to know what to do and the power to do it. I love that since we have the calling of being missionaries, if we remain worthy, Heavenly Father will bless us with everything we need to be able to bring souls back to Him. I love my calling and am so grateful that I get to be a missionary in Memphis!
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The district - Hermana Robles, yo, Elder Sotomarino, Elder Short,
Elder Merrill, Elder Smalley
There's an abandoned mall right by our apartment so we went inside this week and basically the only thing that's open is the carousel so we rode it for $1
The Batesville hermanas came to the Bartlett musical tribute so we got to have a family reunion!!! I love them!
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Hermana Robles (who i am training) aka mi hija, yo, Hermana Quigley (who i trained) aka mi hija, and Hermana Thornton (who trained me) aka mi mamá |
Hermana Keller