One week until Samantha reports to the MTC and I am
so excited for her!
I love this area. Our new mission president has asked us to spend an hour "finding" every day. We are finally having some success with the finding every day. Since we started, it has seemed like we haven't found any Hispanics and everyone we talk to is very not interested and so that wasn't exciting. But on Thursday, we were out finding when it started raining but we kept going because our hour wasn't up yet and when has rain stopped us from sharing the gospel before? In the rain, we successfully talked to more people than we have in the 2 weeks since we were asked to go finding every day! We found 2 new investigators and a potential and they were all Hispanic. It was a pretty good day. We're still working with the branch president as well as the branch mission leader to coordinate missionaries and members doing missionary work. Even though there are definitely some challenges with this area, I love it and I am happy to work here so I really hope I don't have to leave this week during transfers.
I am so grateful to be able to say that after 3 transfers together, I still am happy to serve with Hermana Petty. Haha She's a really good companion. This week, I hit 1 year and she made me waffles for breakfast and decorated the apartment to celebrate. It was really fun.
We also celebrated by going over to the Benetiz's house for dinner and to burn a dress. That was a lot of fun too!

This week, I was studying our purpose. While I was in Little Rock, Hermana
Quigley had a picture of her brother, Kevin, by her desk and one time she
mentioned that it was to remind her that everyone is someone's Kevin. When she
said that, I was really impressed with how well she understands that everyone
here in the ALRM is a child of our Heavenly Father. Even though they're
strangers to us, they have family and friends who want them to be happy, and
maybe even who are members and want them to have the gospel as well. I know our
purpose as missionaries is so important. We need to use every minute that we
can to help other people to come unto Christ.
I love you all!
Hermana Keller
I love this area. Our new mission president has asked us to spend an hour "finding" every day. We are finally having some success with the finding every day. Since we started, it has seemed like we haven't found any Hispanics and everyone we talk to is very not interested and so that wasn't exciting. But on Thursday, we were out finding when it started raining but we kept going because our hour wasn't up yet and when has rain stopped us from sharing the gospel before? In the rain, we successfully talked to more people than we have in the 2 weeks since we were asked to go finding every day! We found 2 new investigators and a potential and they were all Hispanic. It was a pretty good day. We're still working with the branch president as well as the branch mission leader to coordinate missionaries and members doing missionary work. Even though there are definitely some challenges with this area, I love it and I am happy to work here so I really hope I don't have to leave this week during transfers.
I am so grateful to be able to say that after 3 transfers together, I still am happy to serve with Hermana Petty. Haha She's a really good companion. This week, I hit 1 year and she made me waffles for breakfast and decorated the apartment to celebrate. It was really fun.
Feliz un año! |
One day this week went over to our investigator's house for our lesson. She
asked if we had time after to stay and eat because she had just made tortillas
and was making enchiladas for her kids. We had just eaten, but we said yes
because we could tell she really wanted us to. So after our lesson, she starts
preparing the enchiladas. She started with chopping lettuce for on top. After
she had chopped the lettuce, she rinsed it. And rinsed it. And rinsed it. For
probably 10 minutes. And the whole time, she was telling us that as soon as we
tasted her enchiladas, we would know that everyone makes them differently. As
she was doing all this, I looked away for about 1 minute and in that 1 minute,
Hermana Petty said that our investigator turned around so fast, grabbed a spray
bottle, and squirted a little bit into the lettuce. She then rinsed the lettuce
for about 5 more minutes and said that she sprays it with "cloro"
(aka bleach) to make sure it's clean. I'd never heard of that... but they were actually really good enchiladas... so maybe we should all try that!
Barrio's girls. |
I love you all!
Hermana Keller