Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd

Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

Monday, August 7, 2017

Umbrella prompting.

Samantha leaves on her mission in one month.  I am so excited for her!

Memphis is the best area.  We started a miracle chain where we write down a miracle that has happened every day and make a chain out of it so that at the end of this transfer, we will have had 42 miracles.  We are also working on the branch list as missionaries and trying to find out if people live where they are on the roster or not and it has been really effective in looking for investigators!  There are so many people that we don't know where they went and it is so sad.  But we knock on a door and ask if someone lives there.  They usually don't so we introduce ourselves to the people that live there now.  Then we do the same thing with their neighbors around that house/apartment.  It's a really great way to start talking with someone!

Just a random photo op.  :)

Hermana Petty is so great!  She is really good at setting goals and following through with them.  When we went on exchanges with the Spanish STLs last transfer, they were doing something where at the end of the day, they complimented each other based on something that had happened that day.  For example if they had noticed that their companion had really good Spanish that day, they would tell her right before bed.  Hermana Petty decided she wants us to do it to and it's really fun.

We had 29 people come to our English class this week!!!
I think that's a record for our mission!
We had an investigator from our English class and the last time we taught her, it rained super hard when we were leaving so she gave us her umbrella to borrow.  We haven't seen her in about three weeks because she canceled 2 of our appointments and hasn't really come to English class.  The couple of times that she has come, she and her husband have been late and have left right after so we still had her umbrella in our car this week.  On Friday, we were coming in at about 8:30 to put in lessons because we were behind and I saw the umbrella and had the thought to go visit her.  We were tempted to not go see her because we had a lot of lessons to put in and we were already home but we decided to go and see how she was and return her umbrella.  We had bought that maybe she didn't like our message or something happened because that's what usually has happened when people stop talking to us, so we were really nervous to knock on the door.  But we did it and when she answered, she was so happy to see us!  It turns out that she and her family had just been sick and hadn't been able to come to English class.  We talked for a while and she ended up giving us plums and peaches that were really good and we have an appointment for Monday!
This week during my studies, I decided to study the Atonement for 3 days and it was awesome!  I also decided to not focus so much on the more negative part of the Atonement, like the suffering of Jesus Christ, but the positive part like Christ's grace and mercy.  There is a part in the Bible Dictionary that says that all are covered unconditionally from the fall of Adam because of the Atonement, but the Atonement is conditional in regards to each individual's sins.  I was able to realize a little more what it means to be free from the Fall and be accountable for my own sins.  I am so grateful for the Atonement and I really want to help the less actives in our branch, in particular, understand the Atonement as well.  It's so sad to me that there are so many people here that have been baptized but for some reason or another they have fallen away.  I really want to help them understand that because of the Atonement, we all still have a personal responsibility for our salvation.  But we can earn that salvation because of Jesus Christ.

Love you all!

Hermana Keller

Hermana McNall's birthday lunch and Pottery 2.0

Most shocking thing ever... I had NO IDEA traffic lights were this big!