Samantha went to the new Provo MTC open house with her friends and is so excited to leave on her mission in a month! I'm so excited for her too!
The members in this area recently have been having a hard time helping us and giving support so this week Hermana Petty and I started heart-attacking them. We've been writing things like "you're the best" and "we love you" and "thank you so much for everything you do for us" on pass along cards and sticky notes and leaving them on their door or car. So far, we've done it to 4 families and they have loved it! We are hoping that if we show our appreciation to them and make them feel good, they'll want to help support us and want to go teaching with us and be fellowshippers to our investigators. We are doing our best to show the Branch President that we are working hard.
Akari's birthday this week. |
Love my companion! |
We played soccer again this week and all the members love Hermana Petty so much. They don't only love her because she's good at soccer, but it's definitely a bonus. She is really good at helping other people feel loved and it was her idea to heart-attack people. Like I said last week, Memphis will be really sad when she leaves.
Heart-attacking the Garcia's |
We have an investigator, Rocio, that we teach at the church because she doesn't have AC so she doesn't want us to come over to her house. For a while we were worried because we didn't have her address so we were hoping that she wouldn't ever drop us or just drop off the face of the earth. We had asked for her address before, but she didn't want to tell us. But then one day, she brought us a letter that she got in the mail about her citizenship test so that we could translate it for her. While Hermana Petty was translating, I got out my iPad and wrote down her address just in case we would need it in the future. Well, about a week and a half ago, she cancelled our appointment and didn't text us back about setting a new appointment. So we had the brilliant idea of going and knocking her street this week. That way we could come into contact with her again and maybe we could teach her at her house. We did that on Thursday and it was so fun because she was so shocked that we knocked on her door. We told her we were just knocking on doors on her street looking for people that would be interested in our message. (Which was true.) She let us in and we talked and set an appointment for the next day. She still wants to meet at the church, but it's okay because at least we didn't "lose" someone who was actually interested!
Teaching Rocio. |
This week I was studying commitments and I really like Alma 5:26 when it says, "Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life." All of the commitments that I extend should lead to an invitation to act. And that invitation should lead my investigators, members, etc. to repentance and come unto Christ. Our message is so important and the goal is to help other people partake of the fruit but they can't if we don't invite them. Even though it's so hard, I need to be bold about it. My boldness when extending invitations shows my faith and brings blessings. And if I am bold with love when extending invitations, I will see miracles.
Love you all!
Hermana Keller
At Zone Conference... with matching shoes. :) |
Photo shoot with a stop sign that fell down. jaja |