My family is doing so great. I've noticed on my mission how happy my family seems all the time. We are closer than ever as a family, even though we're further than ever because I am gone. I know that that's a blessing that has come from my mission. I am genuinely happy about the things that are going well in my family's life. And selfishly, I am so excited to receive even more blessings that will come when Samantha leaves on her mission in September haha. I'm a little disappointed that she is called English speaking and not learning Spanish, but I know that she will love her mission so much when she gets there. And I'm so excited for that for her! I love being an hermana, but I know that really it's all about the people. And as long as I get to serve, that's what makes me happy to be a missionary.
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I use these every time I teach the plan of salvation!
They are awesome! |
Hermana Petty, Hermana Tudon, Miguela, me. |
Hermana Petty is obsessed with rainbows. LOL! |
I really like Hermana Petty and I'm happy to be with her again this transfer! I think it's awesome that we can keep building the area and learning from each other and continue the good things we've been doing, rather than start all over. Hermana Petty teaches me a lot every day about what it means to have faith, fire, and fun. :)
Wow! We saw the craziest thing yesterday. We were in an apartment complex and there were police by one apartment and a fire truck was coming in so we were wondering what had happened. Then we ended up talking to 3 guys on the sidewalk because they asked what religion we are from. They ended up mentioning that they had called the cops on their roommate because he drinks and he was trying to fight them. We went on our way doing missionary work and about 10 minutes later, we saw a guy jumping on a car and it looked like he was trying to kick in the back windshield. Then the policeman grabbed his leg and pulled him off the car and then tackled him in one swift move. Then they got him and put him in the police car. We were knocking on some more doors because we have a lot of potentials in that complex. About 5 minutes after that, we walked by again and he was trying to kick out the window of the police car with his feet! The police were talking to him and trying to help him and there were so many people outside watching. Then we left because none of our investigators were home. We have also seen a couple of bad car wrecks this week and I have just been feeling grateful that Heavenly Father is watching out for us, that he is protecting his missionaries because I think for a few of those crashes, if we had been even 5 minutes earlier, we could've been a part of those wrecks. We are so blessed!
I really loved Zone Conference and especially the opportunity that we had to study charity. It really stuck out to me that charity, like faith, leads to action. We can't have charity if we are just sitting around in our apartments all day. We have to do something! We have to act! We need to obey Gods commandments, serve others the best that we possibly can, and help them receive the restored gospel! Then the blessing that comes from that is the ability to feel a part of God's love for other people, and to have charity. I think that is so cool and I want to be the kind of missionary that acts. I want to do everything I can to receive that blessing!
Last District photos until transfers. |
Love you all!
Hermana Keller
If he becomes an apostle I am framing and hanging this in the living room. jaja |
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Hermanas Petty, Olson, me at Zone Conference. |