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She's going on a mission! :) |
Samantha has 11 weeks before she leaves on her mission and I am so excited for her!!
This area is great. They stopped doing English classes here a couple of transfers ago because no one was coming but Hermana Petty and I decided to follow the lead of the Little Rock Hermanas and put up posters in all the Hispanic stores and get English class going again. That idea was from Hermana Quigley and it's working! We have put up a bunch of posters and this week we had 9 people to our English class! It's so awesome! We will see if they are interested in learned about the gospel as we teach them English.
I really admire Hermana Petty's desire to always be better and improve our relationship, our Spanish, our teaching skills, etc. Her Spanish is really great. She really loves the people here in Memphis and wants to help them
hear the gospel. Something really great about her is her desire to have "celestial fatigue" every night. She wants to work so hard every day and it's awesome!
Love my companion, Hermana Petty! |
This week I
studied Teaching by the Spirit and the Power and Authority of your Calling in the first chapter of Preach My Gospel. I really liked the list it gave for how to have the spirit with me:
- pray for the Spirit
- purify my heart
- keep the commandments
- diligently treasure up God's word
- teach for understanding
- exercise faith.
I noticed that the second and third things have to do with exact obedience. I also found a scripture that I really love, Heleman
Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.
I really love
the last part of this scripture. I know that when I am exactly obedient and doing my very best to be the 4th
missionary, I am yielding my heart to God. I know the blessings that come from that are joy and consolation as well as the spirit with me when I teach. And when I have the spirit, I will have a spiritual power that is evidence that the authority I have as a missionary is real.
Love you all!
Hermana Keller
For some reason I always read, "America Return to Cheese" every time, instead of, "America Return to Christ. jajajaja |
Memphis Spanish District Elders Smalley, Merrill, Hermanas Keller, Petty, Elders Anaya, Sotomarino |