We started out the week with exchanges with the Spanish STLs. Hermana Macfarlane came here (from Batesville) and Hermana Bro wn went to Russelville. While she was here, we went to go visit Viviana. She has read in the Book of Mormon!... which is amazing! She read 1 Nephi 1, 2 times! A miracle. We were so happy about that! The next thing is that she just needs to come to church, but her esposo told us that he isn't interested, which is super sad. But the Book of Mormon brings about miracles, so we're hoping that as soon as they get to church and he feels the spirit, then his heart will be softened.
We also had Zone Conference this week, which was really awesome. I love Christmas, I love being a missionary, and I love being here. I am so grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for each and every one of us. I'm grateful that I get to share that message this time of year. Before Zone Conference, we all fasted together. We fasted so that we could be able to know who the elect are and that we could be able to find them. None of our investigators have really been progressing the whole time I've been here, which is really sad. But I'm hoping that we'll be able to find someone really ready to hear the gospel soon!
We also went to go look up an address for an investigator so that we could decide whether or not to drop them this week. She is either never home or never answers the door. Anyway, she was outside of her house raking leaves with her neighbor! So, we went and helped them. Then we went inside and showed her the #iluminaelmundo video. And then we taught them a little bit about the restoration and Italia, the neighbor was really cool! She had perfect answers to the questions what are prophets and what is the Holy Ghost. So that was so cool! We've been able to go back and teach her one other time since then and it went pretty well. I hope she reads and prays to know if the Book of Mormon is true!
We also had the branch Christmas party this week, which was really fun. We did a 12 days of Christmas that ended up being the best thing that I've ever done. No one really knew what was going on the whole time so that made it really funny.

I don't really know what else to talk about. We were on bikes this week and it was really cold. We got a car yesterday so that was really happy. I hope you have a merry Christmas and I can't wait to talk to you Sunday!